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Oil & Gas
Roadway Planning & Design
Coordination of Roadway Use Maintenance Agreements (RUMAs)
- Field visits & haul route determination.
- Preparation of pre-construction report (assessment of pavement condition, bridge structures, culvert crossings, and building structures).
- Complete investigative work (surveys and base map preparation, coordination with geotechnical engineer and environmental consultant).
- Coordination with county engineers and local authorities to discuss RUMA, roadway upgrades, construction schedule, etc.
- Intersection design improvements.
- Road widening.
- Signage and striping plans.
- Roadway reconstruction with horizontal and vertical improvements, including upgrades such as Full-Depth-Reclamation (FDR) and/or resurfacing.
- Roadway drainage review and improvements.
- Maintenance of traffic/construction phasing plans.
Well Pad Planning & Design
- Evaluation of Site Selection/GIS & LIDAR Feasibility Planning
- Environmental Compliance
- Geotechnical Coordination
- Permitting (Well/Access Drives)
- 3D Pad Grading and Design Modeling
- Erosion & Sediment Control Plans
- Bid Documents/Quantities
- Construction Surveys (Staking, As-Built & As-Drilled)
Pipeline Planning & Design
- Evaluate Site Routing & Constraints Using GIS Mapping
- Field Walk Reconnaissance & Field Constraints Analysis
- Environmental Assessment of Proposed Pipeline Right-of-Way
- Topographic Survey of Pipeline Route
- Coordination for Crossing of Public / Private Utilities
- Evaluation of Temporary & Permanent Access Road Locations
- Final Pipeline Right-of-Way/Alignment Plans
- Route Construction Staking
- As-Built Survey
Water Impoundment Planning & Design
- Impoundment Design & Permitting - Freshwater & Centralized
- Regulatory Compliance
- Surface & Groundwater Source Feasibility Studies, Design & Permitting
- Water Management Plans
- Water Metering Plans
Survey Services
- Topographic Survey
- Deed & Title Research
- ALTA/ACSM Survey
- Boundary Survey
- Easements
- Floodplain Determination
- Wetland Delineation
- Geotechnical Staking (Borings)
- Highway/Bridge Survey
- Horizontal & Vertical Well Plats
- Right-of-Way Preparation
- Route Survey
- Utility Location
- Centerline Plat Preparation
- Construction Staking
- As-Built Survey
- Environmental Site Assessments
- Wetland and Stream Delineations
- Wetland Permitting for Section 404/401 and State Permits
- Habitat Survey - Endangered and Sensitive Species Protection Reports
- Coordination with State Historic Preservation Office
- Reclamation Planning & Monitoring
- NPDES Permit and Preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- FEMA Flood Hazard Analysis
Construction Administration & Project Coordination
- Pre-Construction Services (Meetings, Bid Review & Recommendations)
- Review Shop Drawings
- Attend Project Meetings
- Efficiently Track and Implement Field Design Modifications
- Project Records, Including Record Drawings
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